Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Whoever Wins- We Lose!

It's amusing to watch the media bleat on and on about Obama, Hillary, and McCain. As if there's really a difference in their approaches to "governance". The difference really boils down to the Democrats wanting to drive off the cliff at 100 mph, while the Republicans would prefer to take us over the edge at a "conservative" 80 mph. Of course, if you want to change drivers, stop the car and turn around, you're an extremist!

As a nation, we've strayed far and wide from the Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers established. The Constitution was designed to limit the power of the Federal government to a very few, defined areas. Now, the Fed's are involved in one way or another in every facet of our lives. Couple that with state, county, & city government and you're talkin' marination! The seeds of a Socialist disaster were sown long ago and now we're reaping the harvest. The question is how do we limit the amount of damage this Socialist mindset is causing?

I'm often reminded of the Biblical lesson in Proverbs; "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". That ideal cuts both ways and I believe the problem lies in the fact that our public education system, and most institutions of "higher learning", have been marinating young minds in Statism for several generations at least. Until this situation is reversed, we'll continue riding towards the cliff in a pack of donkeys and elephants.

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