Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If you have low expectations you're never disappointed!

That's certainly the case when it comes to athlete's nowadays! Cycling superstar (and this year's Paris Roubaix winner) Tom Boonen has tested positive for "Blow". Some are happy that it wasn't EPO, "just coke". I say BS to that! It's reprehensible behavior (as is his "dating" a teenage girl) and it makes me wonder what else he might be on! He did ride on the "Postal Bus" after all. Hasn't he ever heard of Marco Pantani? To be involved with any sort of drugs, particularly at this point, shows a very callous attitude towards professional cycling, its sponsors, and it fans. Perhaps it's indicative of the attitude the peleton has had since the early 90's? Specialized is going to have to alter their "I am Specialized" Tom Boonen ads now. Instead of putting Tom in a Roman gladiators get up, maybe they can dress him up like Keith Richards?

This is the sort of crap that is taking some of the joy out of following any professional sport, however, I do have a lot of hope that the new crop of cyclists that have entered the peleton have a different attitude.

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