Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Two Wheeled Idiocy

I never cease to be amazed at the sheer idiocy I see as I'm out riding. Usually it's motorists who act like they ate a bowl of paint chips for breakfast. Today I was half way through a 45 miler when I saw the biggest idiot on two wheels I have ever observed. I was stopped in the bike lane at a red light when a "cyclist", riding between the two lanes on my left charged through the red light! Cars literally had to slow down to avoid drilling him! He was about a quarter mile up the road when the light changed, I clipped in and started reeling him in. I rolled along about 50 yards in back of him, amazed at what I saw.

This asshat was riding a Lemond of some sort, with aero bars. He was using said aero bars and was drifting so far out of the bike lane and into traffic that cars had to switch lanes to get around him. He looked at them as they went by, so I have no doubt that he didn't care at the hazard that he was creating. He was wearing an orange "muscle shirt", blue basketball shorts, white athletic socks that went half way up his shins, some sort of "hybrid" cycling shoes, and a cheap helmet that wasn't fastened. He also had some sort of aluminum bottle jammed upside down in his water bottle cage, and a camera bag slung over his shoulder.

As we approached Midlothian Turnpike (a very busy road) I slowed for the red light and he played human "frogger" again, pedaling through another red light. I waited through the light cycle and saw him stopped in front of a Quizno's, drinking from his aluminum bottle. As I passed him, he quickly slammed his bottle into his cage and took off after me. I decided I'd have some fun and would let him get within about 100 yards, then I'd pick up the pace and he'd drop back pretty quick. I did this several times and then he disappeared on a false flat. Either he was drilled by a car, cutting through yet another light or he turned on another street. Honestly, what a piece of work!

On a happier note, I found a really sweet batting glove on the road today! It fits me perfectly! I know some cyclists find all sorts of sweet "road treasure" (money, tools, etc), that hasn't been my experience. Then again, I'm not scanning the side of the road as I ride either. I did find a nice padlock with the key still in it several months ago; but that's been about it. All I usually see is trash and road kill.

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