Thursday, April 10, 2008


My sciatic nerve problem has subsided enough to where I was able to get in a few miles on the bike this week. With the exception of a 25 mile jaunt one day with my son, I haven't been on the bike since the beginning of February. I've done rides of 16, 26, 37, and 28 miles this week and have felt great every time out. Tommorow I fly to New Joisey for a couple of days, then to Chicago for a seminar until Thursday. I'll be distracted by thoughts of my bike the whole time no doubt.

Hopefully, I can catch Paris- Roubaix on Versus this Sunday. I'm looking for a Boonen/ Cancellara showdown. Although you can't overlook Freire or Gilbert either.
Oscar Freire threw down an amazing sprint to take Ghent- Wevelgem Wednesday. What a stud!

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

Good for you. I hope your recovery is full.